This blog is part of series of articles, parodies and satire based on my thoughts on the trends, reactions and experiences (both individual and shared) of society. Some you may agree with, some you will probably vehemently disagree with and that's absolutely fine.

The content within this site is mostly fictional. Some of the people really exist. Some of the events really happened. But don't bank on any of it by using it in a pub quiz or to sound well-read when conversing with colleagues. Also, to anyone whose name is contained within this site, I know you didn't really do that thing I said you did. I just thought people might like me if I said you did. No need to sue me.

It is in no particular order. It's just one guy, his notebook, a coffee and a dream...

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Right to Bare Ass...

In the case of Scott Jamieson vs PRF Tech Ltd, local resident Scott Jamieson was delighted with Judge Arnold Messikh's ruling, making the defendant admit that requesting workers to travel to the premises of PRF Tech Ltd for just a couple of bucks every goddamn day was in violation of the plaintiff's human rights. The court found in favour of Mr Jamieson after an extensive courtroom battle in which every man and woman's right to get out of bed at whatever time they deem necessary, scratch themselves and meander around their home in their underpants was hanging in the balance.

Attorney Amanda Willis, acting on behalf of Mr Jamieson, said of the decision:

This is indeed a momentous day for those poor and wretched souls forced into low stress, low impact office labour, having to endure hour after hour after sitting in leather office chairs confined to well lit spacious surroundings for no more than $25 an hour.

After the press conference, Mr Jamieson stated that he was looking forward to putting the whole affair behind him, getting back to his home, stripping off and eating so many Cheesy Doritos that “he might seriously poop cheese”.

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